Firstname Avinash Naikwadi Aryanation: The Rise of The Hindus | Origin of Aryan People

Monday, 19 November 2012

Vishnugupt: The Legend of Chankya

Vishnugupt: The Legend of Chankya

There is very less information available regarding life and death of Chankya. According to Buddhist and Jain texts he was born as a Maagadh (Citizen of Magadha). Young Vishnugupt moved to Takshila University (present day Pakistan) after the death of his parents’ death. He studied politics in Takshila and ended up with teaching in Takshila as a teacher.
It was period when Alexander the great started his Indian Invasion. After failing in making all 16 kingdoms of ancient India, to stand together against the intruder. Chankya decided to handle situation on his own.
Chankya soon started to visit neighboring Gurukuls. Many teachers and students from different Gurukuls joined Chankya. Chankya built and army with students from Gurukul under the command of Chandrgupt. Chandrgupt and his army soon received big support from citizens of both republics and empires. After the death of Alexander the great in 3rd century B.C. Chandrgupt free north-west land from Greeks.
Now Chankya and Chandrgupt both were all set to attack on Magadha. Chankya received lots of criticism over attacking Magadha. Most people criticized him claiming that by attacking Magadha Chankya is fulfilling his revenge against Nanda emperor Dhananand. Some scholar still believes the reason behind attacking Magadha was to keep nation under an umbrella.
With the establishment of Mauryan Empire most of the India came under unified regime. Chandragupta’s empire was stretched from present day Bangladesh to Afghanistan. Chandragupta’s grandson stretches it even further toward south Indian peninsula. Though Mauryan dynasty spread its rule on their courage and sword, but Chankya was the founder of dynasty.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Chandrgupt Maurya: God's Favorite Emperor

Chandrgupt Maurya

We all know that Chandrgupt was a founder of Mauryan Empire.  But very less people know about how Chandrgupt rose to power. So I decided to write about what I do know about life and death of legendry king Chandrgupt.
There are many stories and theories about origin of Chandrgupt. Some believe he was born to a slave of by then emperor of Magadha Dhananand. While others believe his family was peacock caretaker. But solid evidence is available about his origin.
Chankya spotted him in Magadha while he was playing mock court room trial. Chankya recognized the leadership quality in young Chandrgupt. Chankya wanted to take Chandrgupt to Takshila to educate him. After paying some amount of money to Chandragupta’s maternal uncle, Chankya brought young Chandrgupt to Takshila.
In 3rd Century B.C. when Alexander the great invaded India, Chankya and Chandrgupt both were in Takshila. Chankya tried to unite all the kingdoms against invader. But he faced only humiliations. After failing to convince other kingdoms, Chandrgupt raised an army under the guidance of Chankya. Chandrgupt unite all the small kingdoms and republicans to stand against Alexander. 

With horrifying images of battle of Hydaspes were already down with morals and don’t wanted to continue any more. Meanwhile Chandrgupt and his forces keep attacking Greek camps. Chandrgupt gain popularity as a noble leader during this time.
After the death of Alexander, Chandrgupt and his forces detained Greeks from the holy Hindu land. Later he won Magadha and established one of the biggest empires in the history of India. Read more about fall of Nanda dynasty here….